A week of lasts

We have a very very very busy few weeks ahead of us. The next day or so will be spent, in and amongst other things, finishing packing for a holiday to Formentera whilst the kids merrily unpack around me! 

Once we're back home we're attending a lovely friend's wedding, and then it's just 5 days until we move house! I'm  not sure that my little brain has quite processed how much there is to do before the end of the month, but at least that's preventing me from getting too stressed out! Well, minus the horrendous couple of hours last night I spent hunting for my lost engagement ring. (It was in the kids hand luggage snack bag!!!)

As we're going away and don't have much time once we're back, last week was spent signing out of a lot of our Reading activities. My daughter had her last day at nursery and ballet class, and we all had our last music class and visit to our local community cafe which is based in the village church. Some of the friends we meet at the cafe had arranged a lovely little send off with balloons and cake, which was so nice and totally unexpected!

Although it's been sad starting to tie things up I'm so excited about moving to our new home. It's only an hour drive from our current friends so we will definitely be back to visit, but I'm already feeling massive pangs of guilt! The little man won't know any different. He will have no memory of living in this area or this little house. My daughter probably won't in the long term either, but she is so settled. She has a little group of friends who she loves and it breaks my heart when she chats about when she's going to play with them next and asking when she's going back to her "normal nursery". I know the move at this moment in our lives is the right thing to do. Doesn't make it much easier though.
