Four fly to Formentera

Argh, I'm very behind. There has been a lot going on recently so bear with me whilst I play catch up. Before our house move we went on a week long holiday to Formentera. I had hoped to post about it before we moved but after landing at 2am Friday morning, we had a wedding to attend Friday afternoon and that only left 4 days to get sorted before moving day! So, you get this post a week and a half after we got back!

After a very busy 2017 so far a visit to this small island off the coast of Ibiza was exactly what we needed. Ok, the holiday was as relaxing as you'd imagine a week with a nearly 3 year old and 11 month old would be, but we had fun. Yes, I lost my shit on a couple of occasions. Yes, the toddler would only eat bread at the buffet breakfast and dinner. Yes, the baby comsumed a ridiculous amount of sand. But, we had a fantastic time.

In hindsight, we might have been best going somewhere we could fly directly to, rather than getting a flight and then a ferry, with a few bus transfers in and amongst, but we managed. And it was totally worth it. The resort we were staying in was so quiet, the beach was beautiful and the hotel staff were by far the friendliest people I have ever met whilst travelling.

I don't have much to report regarding the rest of the island as, for the first time ever, we didn't leave the resort. We didn't see any sights, go on any excursions or take part in any activities. We just spent the week (mostly) enjoying each others company, playing on the beach, splashing in the pool, eating ice lollies, and soaking up some Spanish sun. We have brought home a lot of lovely memories, and all we left behind was a bit of blood where the biggest fell out of bed and bust her lip on the tiled floor, and a bit of undigested sweetcorn where Benjamin had a nappy explosion in the indoor pool. A typical week with the Watons really!
