Seven centuries too late

Well, Deddington is a bit bloody lovely! With houses named "Thimble Cottage" and "The Nook" I wouldn't have expected anything less. They sound like they've leapt out of the pages of an Enid Blyton book!

As the day was a bit overcast I didn't manage to get any blog worthy photos but believe me, it's a very picturesque village. We didn't stay too long, but we had some jobs to do and thought we might as well do a lap of the village whilst we were there. The village seems to comprise of a couple of cafes, a few hairdressers, an antiques centre, a Co-op, a church and a couple of pubs - one of which, the eldest was delighted to discover, is called The Unicorn Inn. Signposts also told us there is a castle. I told the kids this and off we went to find it. Is there anything worse in a toddler's mind than going to find a castle and just finding this?

So we were just 7 centuries late then?! That'll teach me not to read up on things online properly! Luckily, a tractor was out mowing the grass which kept us entertained for a bit, and this kitchen window kept them happy for a good 5 minutes.

Thank goodness for plastic tat!
