In my previous (on hold?) life as a charity fundraiser a hugely important part of the role was to express thanks and gratitude to our donors and supporters in the most appropriate way. On a personal level, it was also something my parents drummed into me as a child. I remember making phone calls and writing out thank you notes after every birthday and Christmas. Now I find myself doing it for my own kids.
As a great lover of both stationery and snail mail, for past occasions I have had photo cards printed, written a short personal note on them, and posted them off. Sending off for my own cards to be printed wasn't the cheapest or fastest way of doing it, but I wanted to personalise our thank yous as much as possible. Also, we don't live close to any of our family, and a lot of our friends, so it's a good way to send a little photo update of the kids.
This year I wanted to involve Charlotte a bit more so decided to buy some plain postcards and get her to draw some pictures on them. Cheap, cheerful, simple, easy. Right? Well, kinda. What I hadn't anticipated was how long it would take to do this. She usually loves drawing and doodling pictures but as soon as I said "we need to draw some thank you cards for all your lovely presents" it became a massive chore, and she didn't want to do it. I mean, she is only 3 so I didn't expect her to do them all in one sitting, but did think she might manage more than one at a time with me hovering over her shoulder.
After a couple of stressful, forced, drawing sessions I decided to change tack. Turns out she didn't really get why she was drawing a bunch of thank you cards. So, we did them one at a time, specifically for each recipient. Ask her to draw a picture for granny and grandpa? Uncle Sam? Evie? Off she went with great enthusiasm. Just a shame I didn't figure this out until the last 5 cards! It did mean that the cards didn't arrive until a month after the event, but better late than never. And they were pretty cute. These are some of my personal favourites, along with their titles!
"One person, one giant" |
"Two frogs" |
"Two people on a road with stars" |
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