Blogmas 2017 - Day 16: My favourite Christmas films

Is there anything better for getting you into the Christmas mood than snuggling under a blanket on the sofa with a drink and some snacks to watch a festive film? During the last few snow days we've managed to plough through a fair few. So, in no particular order, these are just some of my favourites:

Of all the incarnations of A Christmas Carol the Muppets versions just has to be the best, right? In fact, I know I said in no particular order, but this might be my favourite favourite favourite Christmas film ever.

Charlotte's first Muppet's Christmas Carol viewing back in 2014

I just love the first film in this franchise. The other two are far from great but I just think the original one is so funny and the songs are ridiculously catchy. I tend to find myself singing “Things are really coooool, in Nazareth” or "Sparkle and shine" for weeks after watching it. 

The Snowman
What a classic. Short enough for little ones to be able to sit through the whole film, and just so beautifully done. I'm really desperate to take the kids to see the show, so think that's on the list for next Christmas. Has anyone seen it already, and would you recommend it?

Jingle All the Way
I know that this is a very silly film. I know that it stars Arnie. I know that it is typical 90s trash. But I think this film is bloody brilliant. Really makes me giggle. Ok, I’ll leave that there so you can skim over this section and pretend I never admitted how much I like this film!

Arthur Christmas
I think Arthur must just be the nicest Christmas character there has ever been. I mean, I know it's kind of the point of the film, but he is just the embodiment of Christmas. And those reindeer slippers, just, wow! He's my kind of person!

The Grinch
I have to confess, I'm not a huge Jim Carrey fan, except for Dumb and Dumber, The Truman Show and The Grinch. However, he fits this role so perfectly, and I'm not sure any other actor could play it as well as him. I tried to watch The Grinch the other day with Charlotte, she didn't enjoy it at all. We must have only got 30 minutes in before she asked for something else as she didn't like the "green, meanie man". She does have a thing about "mild peril" - she didn't get very far into Paddington either - but she loves all the Dr Seuss stories. I wonder if we'll have more luck with the book.

Santa Claus: The Movie
This is probably the Christmas film I watched most as a kid. Looking at the cast list to jog my memory, I'm not sure that I actually liked many of the characters in this film, Santa included, but I do like the film as a whole. Actually, I think the only characters I vaguely liked were Mrs Claus and Dooley. Anyway, I like the story, it makes me feel festive, and I still like the idea of getting a puce lollypop that would make me fly!

I hated this film the first time I saw it. I must have just been in a foul mood that day as on my second viewing it was like I was watching a different film. We now watch it every year and every single time the opening sequence starts Stu pipes up with "Can you remember when you were a miserable witch the first time we watched this and you hated it?" Yes, yes I can, and you Sir are a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins. 

These films just remind me of my brother. From a very young age he’d reenact scenes from both films (I couldn’t choose a favourite) and we still quote them all the time, all year round. When I win the lottery I'm definitely taking him for a stay at the Plaza Hotel in New York so he can spend as much money as he likes on room service!

Right, I think we’re done here. “Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.”
