We love Christmas lights. We don't tend to deck out the outside of our own house (I've just about stuck some fairy lights in our bay window), but we do like to steal a look at other peoples! In previous years the kids have got into their pyjamas, I've stuck some layers over the top, and we've hopped into the car to have a drive around some of the lights in our neighbouring villages.
This year I pinched an idea off the "Family days. Tried & tested" Facebook page and decided to try a Christmas Light Hunt.
As a fair few of the houses near our new home are fantastically decorated, it made sense to walk rather than drive this year. The kids weren't too tired to do this, as it gets dark so early, and we only had to go next door, and look across the road to tick three items off our list!
Charlotte thought it was really cheeky going out for a walk in the dark, and she had a great time dragging Grandma and Grandad, who were visiting, around the local area. She wasn't too impressed with Uncle Sam though. We struggled to find any presents or an angel, so he doctored the list and changed "presents" to "polar bear" (who knew polar bears were such popular Christmas light choices?). Little Miss "Must Stick To The Rules" didn't like his sneaky cheat at all!
This year I pinched an idea off the "Family days. Tried & tested" Facebook page and decided to try a Christmas Light Hunt.
As a fair few of the houses near our new home are fantastically decorated, it made sense to walk rather than drive this year. The kids weren't too tired to do this, as it gets dark so early, and we only had to go next door, and look across the road to tick three items off our list!
Charlotte thought it was really cheeky going out for a walk in the dark, and she had a great time dragging Grandma and Grandad, who were visiting, around the local area. She wasn't too impressed with Uncle Sam though. We struggled to find any presents or an angel, so he doctored the list and changed "presents" to "polar bear" (who knew polar bears were such popular Christmas light choices?). Little Miss "Must Stick To The Rules" didn't like his sneaky cheat at all!
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