So, it’s 2018

And just like that, our Christmas/New Year bubble has popped! Stu is back to work, and the kids and I attempted a morning at the garden centre’s soft play. (Turns out the 10.30 session we wanted was fully booked so our fall back plan was see the fish at the aquatic shop, and buy Hobbycraft stickers.) No “new year, new me” in the Waton house!

Although we’re hoping for a quieter year in 2018 (no more house moves please!) we certainly have lots of exciting plans for the year ahead. The first of which is paying my brother a visit in New Zealand, and this is where you can help me. I’ve been doing plenty of reading and research but would love any recommendations for the following:

1) things to do in the North Island with an almost 4 and almost 2 year old

2) advice on a 30+ hour journey with kids, including a 5hr stopover at Hong Kong airport 

3) kids Kindle Fire apps and downloads 

4) accommodation - particularly around Wellington, and Bay of Islands 

5) good blogs/article/books about travelling to and in NZ 

6) kids books/travel guides/YouTube videos about NZ and/or Maori history and culture 

A bit of New Years Eve travel planning
Right, so as you can see we don’t have much left to organise over the next couple of months! I will most definitely be keeping the blog updated with travel planning and stories (apologies in advance for boring you to tears!) so make sure you’re either following the blog, or following me on my various social media accounts, to keep updated. 

We're very excited about this trip, if not a bit apprehensive (major understatement) about the actual journey, and can't wait to share our experiences on here.
