One year on...

It’s one whole year since I hit publish on my first ever blog post.  Since then I have published 90 posts (plenty in the back catalogue for you to go through if you’re new here). We’ve celebrated birthday’s, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas and Easter. We’ve holidayed in Formentera, Center Parcs, Disneyland, and New Zealand. We’ve baked cakes, grown butterflies, and visited the cinema. We’ve visited country parks, garden centres, soft play centres, farms and zoos. We’ve explored woodlands, National Trust properties, and Blenheim Palace. We’ve tracked a Gruffalo, met Thomas the Tank Engine, been trampolining and moved house!

I know that we are indescribably lucky to be able to cram so much into just one year, and not everyone is so fortunate. However, not every year is quite as adventurous and jam packed as this one has been. I think we’ve just been trying to do as much as possible before Charlotte starts school, but I have loved looking back on what we have managed to squeeze in. I have very much enjoyed writing all my blog posts, and I really hope that you’ve enjoyed reading them. Here’s to another, probably slightly more boring, year!
