Our preschool travel journal

I don't keep a journal on a day to day basis, but whenever I go on holiday or on a trip I like to keep a record of what I’ve been up to. I don’t do anything particularly creative or artistic, I just write about what we’ve done, and maybe stick in tickets and leaflets if I’m feeling particularly fancy!

For our recent trip to New Zealand I thought it'd be nice to get Charlotte a travel journal too so we could complete our diaries together. I really wanted some kind of pre-prepared book where she could draw pictures in, add stickers and we could jot down notes together but I struggled to find exactly what what I wanted. In the end I just bought a blank notebook, pinched lots of ideas from here, and made our own.

Initially, I had intended to set up the journal with sections to fill in every day before we went away, but I decided against that in the end. Our plans were reasonably fluid, and so the notebook needed to be as well. In the end I set up the first day or so, and we did the rest on a day by day basis depending on what we had done.

With Charlotte being poorly for the first chunk of the trip we actually didn’t start completing the journal until the end of the first week. This meant we had to play catch up, but she really enjoyed filling it in every evening and deciding what she wanted to draw to accompany each section.

I'm really glad that Charlotte has this to look back on, and she has already been proudly showing it off to her grandparents. When I eventually get around to printing off some photos I think I'll get Charlotte to choose some and we'll add them to the end of the book.

I will definitely do this again but would tweak a few things next time. I would probably want a spiral bound notebook so that it lies flat on the table. I'd also choose a notebook with thicker pages for the more enthusiastic felt tip colouring. I would probably buy a lot of stickers too. I had wanted to buy some "themed" stickers for this trip e.g. some transport stickers and some weather stickers, but the ones I found online all cost far more than I wanted to spend on a sheet of stickers. I'm going to keep an eye out for the kind of thing I'm after in cheap craft and pound shops, and stash them away for future use.

Do you keep a travel journel? Do your children keep a holiday diary? Do share any of your ideas in the comments below - I read, and try to respond to, them all!  


  1. Loved this travel journal, thank you for sharing it with us.
    meet and greet luton

  2. Great post, we always travelled with our kids from the start and have so many wonderful memories of those trips! budget travel


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