Parenting support and resources

Parenting can be a tough gig. There are many milestones, hiccups, and hurdles to navigate, so I thought I’d gather together some resources which might come in handy if you’re in need of some help or support. There are links to UK based organisations, charities, and other bloggers who are sharing their experiences.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of topics or resources - if you know of, or have used, a resource which is missing from the list (UK based), let me know in the comments and I’ll add it if appropriate. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here your local Family Information Service (FIS) is probably a good shout. Each local authority area has a different Family Information Service, so unfortunately I can’t list them all for you, but you can locate yours here. (N.B. I did work for a FIS for a couple of years when I finished university, but I’m not affiliated with them in any way.) 

Please be aware that this is a UK based signposting page. As per my privacy policy, I cannot be held responsible for content outside my own website ( I am not associated with any of the links featured below, and please do make sure you seek medical, professional or expert help if required. This includes, but is not limited to, your health visitor,  GP, or Citizens Advice.   

Last updated: Wednesday 25th March 2020


Adoption and fostering





Careers, work and training






Feeding support (links to both breast, formula, and mixed feeding support)



Legal services (family)

LGBT parents

Mental Health

Miscarriage and baby loss

Online Safety

Pre and post natal depression

School and education

Substance abuse 

Speech and Language

Tongue tie

