Halloween Party for kids

I said it last year, and I’ll say it again this year, I’m not a massive Halloween fan. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to get spooked - at the minute I’m slowly working my way through The Haunting of Hill House when I get chance as my husband won’t watch it with me! I just don’t really get the whole Trick or Treating thing. Last year I threw a little impromptu Halloween party for myself and the children, and decided I’d do the same this year...but try to be a bit more organised about it. I mean, I even sorted some things in advance!

Number one, carve the pumpkin we bought from Millets during half term. As always, my daughter freaked out at the smell, hid in the living room, and I ended up doing most of it myself. 

Ghost carved pumpkin
She did use a Sharpie to draw on the pumpkin she grew herself. However, I was a little disappointed when she announced that it wasn’t a wicked witch, but Mummy! 

Sharpie kids pumpkin
The next thing I did in advance was make these Fizzing Pumpkin Treasure Rocks. As with most things I find on Pinterest I was not expecting these to work at all, but they were actually pretty good -  I was impressed anyway! My son and I prepared them the day before and we left them to dry overnight. (I didn’t have any green pipe cleaners to hand, so didn’t bother with the stalks, but that made no difference to how they worked, just the aesthetic.) 

Fizzing pumpkin treasure rocks
As we weren’t going out trick or treating I bought the kids a little bucket each (50p per bucket from Tesco) and put a few goodies in them. Nothing fancy, just a few chocolate eyeballs, a few sweets, some glow sticks, and some plastic creepy crawlies and skeletons. 

Trick or treat buckets

Trick or treat bucket
We didn’t do much in terms of decorating - some houses near us really went all out! I put together a little table display (ok, stuck plants and candles we already own together in one spot), we had spider bunting up in the front window, our pumpkins on the doorstep, and we had a few rubber bats and ceramic pumpkins with tea lights lurking around the house. 

Halloween table display
On the day, I collected my daughter from school, and as soon as she got home she squeezed herself into last year’s witches costume - my son had been wearing his skeleton top all day! The kids sat down with The Nightmare Before Christmas (for the hundredth time this week) whilst I pulled some things together. We had a party food picnic for tea (cocktail sausages, crisps, carrot sticks...the usual...whilst sat on a blanket on the kitchen floor) and hit up Spotify for some spooky Halloween tunes. 

For activities, as well as the Fizzing Pumpkins, we went for Stick the Smile on the Pumpkin (£1.50 from Tesco!), apple bobbing, and a kitchen disco complete with glow sticks.

Stick the smile on the pumpkin
The rest of the time was spent answering the door to well over 50 Trick or Treaters! Despite only being 2 years old, my son answered the door every time with a big “HAPPY HALLOWEEN” and my 4 year old daughter insisted on being in charge of handing out sweets from her black cat bag. They had an absolute ball, and without having to head out into the cold! Their Daddy even got home from work in time for a little bit of apple bobbling before bed - hurrah!
Halloween party for young children
