Blogmas 2018 - Day 12: Festive craft ideas for children

Festive craft ideas for children
As my daughter is now at school we’re having to fit fun festive activities around the school day, especially as she doesn’t finish for the school holidays until 21st December. To make sure she doesn’t feel like she’s missing out we’ve been trying to fit little activities in after school, and this is why Blogmas this year probably seems a little “arts & crafts” heavy. I blog about what were doing, rather than rushing around trying to do things for the sake of the blog, so this is just what we’re managing this year in and amongst everything else.

Along with the rest of the world, my favourite place to go for activity ideas is Pinterest. I’ve been busy pinning a lot of my favourite Christmas and Winter family activities, so if you use Pinterest and are interested you can find it here.

Christmas & Winter Activities
I have to admit, I didn’t immediately fall in love with Pinterest. There were lots of beautifully presented activities, and pieces of artwork, and there was no way on earth our creations were ever going to match up to those. However, I just have to remind myself that a lot of the time, the people posting these beautiful images of their creations are grown adults who do this kind of thing for a living, and their final piece certainly hasn’t had a 4 and 2 year old within 5 feet of it. The stuff I do with the kids is for their benefit, not mine, so I want them to get really stuck in. If that means there’s plenty of mess and a less than perfect result, so be it. 

If you don’t use Pinterest I’ve linked some great looking craft ideas I’ve found in the list below. Have fun!
