N.B. With this being a UK based website the links included are for organisations based in the UK. I am not affiliated with any of the organisations mentioned, and I am not responsible for any information found on external websites.
With just a week to go until the big day, it’s lovely to think that everyone is happy, healthy, full of festive joy, and counting down the days until Christmas. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.
If you suffer from ill health, whether that’s physical or mental health, that doesn’t just disappear because it’s Christmas. I’m sure those with long term health conditions are in contact with their own health professionals, and know how to manage their condition(s) whether it is Christmas or not. If not, Mind has a lot of useful information on their website about how to look after your Mental Health over Christmas, and if you have any neighbours who are elderly, or suffering from ill health, or who struggle to get around, I’m sure they’d appreciate a quick knock on the door from a friendly face to ask if they need anything.
Last year I wrote about the #joinin campaign, which is led on Twitter by comedian Sarah Millican #joinin will be taking place again this year, so if you find yourself alone on Christmas Day but would like some company, do head over to Twitter and check it out.
Christmas can not only be a lonely time for some people, but it is a time where some really struggle financially. My intention was to donate some goods to our local Food Bank (a resource I feel we shouldn’t really need in our country, but that’s a different conversation) however, our local Food Bank has been fortunate to have received a lot of food donations recently due to a successful Harvest Appeal and a recent very generous donation from our local travelling community. I didn’t want to inundate the Food Bank with items that they were unable to store, so we made a small financial donation to The Trussell Trust Christmas Appeal instead.
With all this in mind, if you need any help or support over the festive period I have put some links you might find useful below (this by no means an exhaustive list). I really hope that you don’t need to use them, but if you are struggling and need help please do reach out to someone, whether that’s a friend or family member, or one of the organisations below.
Useful links (added 18th December 2018)
Beat (eating disorder) - https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/support-services/christmas-services-2018
Crisis - https://www.crisis.org.uk/get-help/
Drink Aware’s Alcohol Support Services page - https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/alcohol-support-services/
Frank (drug addiction) - https://www.talktofrank.com/contact-frank
The Trussell Trust (Food Bank) - https://www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/
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