Blogmas 2018 - Day 13: The Nativity

At my daughter's school they have a few different Christmas performances. The older children have a separate Christmas Play, the Nursery and Reception children join forces to perform a Nativity one afternoon, and I think there’s also a Christmas Concert one evening thrown in there too. Last year, when my daughter was in the nursery, she should have been a shepherd, but she missed it as we were in Center Parcs  she wasn't yet in compulsory education so we were making the most of term time holiday's whilst we could). So this year, for her first ever Christmas performance, she played that important and well known Nativity role of Elf #1, and she was the best Elf #1 I ever did see!

Elf in the nativity
The elves were the narrators, and as Elf #1 she had the opening line of the play. She has been practicing her few lines religiously, and I was so pleased for her that she did so well on the day. I know what she is like, and she’d have been so cross and upset with herself if she’d messed up her line. We had a little chat beforehand, where I told her to just go and enjoy herself, that I knew she’d worked really hard to practice her line, and as long as she tried her best I’d be super proud. I’m not sure she was convinced though!  

Luckily the pep talk wasn’t really needed. All of the children did beautifully. They all delivered their lines, sang their little hearts out and did all the actions to the songs. Apparently they are performing again next week for the rest of Primary, and she already can’t wait. Think I’ve got a little performer on my hands!
