Home School Resources for Early Years and Key Stage 1

Parents of children around the country have unexpectedly found themselves having to home school their children. If your school is like ours, your fantastic teachers have probably already set (a lot of!) work for your children to be getting on with. However, I have come across lots of additional home school resources for Early Years and Key Stage 1 (just because those are the years my children are in) so I thought I’d collate them all here for anyone who needs them. These have all been sent to me by the school, friends, or I’ve just found them online myself. I’ll be updating this as I see things, so if I’m missing anything please do send it my way! 

Last edited: 22nd April 2020

Twinkl is used across all subjects by our school, and you can access free resources whilst schools are closed. Visit this webpage (https://www.twinkl.co.uk/offer) and use the code CVDTWINKLHELPS.

Drawing with Rob Biddulph #drawwithrob - http://www.robbiddulph.com/draw-with-rob

Nick Cope (songs for kids - he also has a programme coming to CBeebies, Nick Cope’s Popcast, in a few weeks) - https://www.youtube.com/user/nickcopesongs

Super Simple Songs (pre-school) - https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperSimpleSongs

The Maths Factor (usually paid but free whilst schools are closed) - https://www.themathsfactor.com/

Video Game Workout - https://youtu.be/DO-R5EfG_N4

Reading, phonics and literacy

Book Trust (I have found this a bit hit and miss - not everything seems to work, but the bits that do are really good)- https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Debbie Hepplewhite Handwriting - https://debbiehepplewhitehandwriting.com

Phonics Play (Free whilst schools are closed, usually paid) - https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk

Puffin Books (story videos) -  https://m.youtube.com/user/puffinbooks1

Religious Studies

Science and nature  

Explorify (by the Wellcome Trust) - https://explorify.wellcome.ac.uk

Space Place - NASA Science - https://spaceplace.nasa.gov

Spot and Stripe (philosophy videos - playlists are organised by age) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCMKyysZBgF_S4OE_2x-6kYI4nIiYJWrw


Let me know in the comments which of these resources you’ve used, and which are your favourites.

Homeschool resources for Early Years and Key stage 1


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